School Profile
School Profile
Assiginack Public School (APS) home of the ‘All Stars’, is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 elementary school. We are located in Manitowaning, Ontario, which is known as “The Village by the Bay”. The Ojibwe meaning of Assiginack is “Den of the Great Spirit”. The school serves the townships of Assiginack and Tehkummah.
The school is a one level building with a large play area. The soccer field, baseball diamond, Gaga Pit, basketball court, and large play structure provides many opportunities for students to engage in outside activities. While outside on the school grounds, students can be active or simply enjoy the picturesque view of Georgian Bay.
APS operates on a ‘Balanced Day’ timetable. This means that students have two breaks to participate in clubs, intramurals, team sport practice or enjoy outside activities, before having a nutritional snack.
Our Kindergarten program is geared to student learning through their interests. The Kindergarten teachers facilitate the students’ engagement in inquiry based learning opportunities.
Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 learn Ojibwe culture and language through the arts program. Grade 4 to 8 students have a choice of learning Core French or Ojibwe as their second language.
APS students are divided into multi-age colour-house groups to take part in special events throughout the year. These activities are put on by our student council, under the supervision of our staff.
There are many team sports at APS – cross-country running, baseball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, and track & field. These team events provide students with opportunities to refine their athletic skills, as well as improve their social skills, friendships and sportsmanship. Teams take part in Island tournaments with other schools from across Manitoulin and beyond.
APS is committed to helping every student achieve success in all aspects of their lives. We realize the importance of preparing students for tomorrow’s world. Therefore, we have embraced 21st Century learning; a learning environment where teachers are facilitators and knowledge is discovered by students.
21st Century Learning at APS means that students;
- leave us more curious than when they arrived
- embrace and learn from their mistakes
- learn through collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and innovation
- discover a variety of ways to demonstrate their learning
- learn self-regulation, resilience and grit
- learn to be global citizens
- learn what Digital Citizenship means
Assiginack Public School believes in the statement, “It takes a whole community to raise a child”. As a result, our school is very thankful for the dedicated staff, parents, volunteers and community partners that help make Assiginack Public School a great place to learn.